Brooklyn Boxing


Boxing for Weight Loss – 7 Ways Boxing Can Help

Weight loss is a numbers game, and the math is pretty simple: burn more calories than you consume each day, and little by little, you will achieve weight loss. This process is called a caloric deficit and it forces your body to tap into its fat reserves for energy.

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Am I Too Old to Box? What’s the Best Age to Start Boxing?

If you’ve been considering taking up boxing for whatever reason but your spring chicken years are a distant memory, you may be wondering if boxing is a sport best left to the youth. You are never too old to box, and 2023 is as good a time as any to start, regardless of how many candles are on the cake.

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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Your Boxing Gloves

Finding the right boxing gloves is crucial for every boxer, from beginners to seasoned fighters. This guide will help you navigate through the options to find the best boxing gloves that meet your needs, ensuring comfort, protection, and performance Understanding the Types of Boxing Gloves Boxing gloves come in various

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Why is a personal trainer important when boxing

Looking to take your boxing game to the next level? At Brooklyn Boxing, we know that having a personal boxing trainer can be the game-changer you need to reach your goals : 1. Tailored Training for You:    At Brooklyn Boxing, we believe in personalised training experiences. Your personal boxing trainer

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Simple Boxing Workout Routines to Elevate Your Skills

In the electrifying world of boxing, mastering the art is a journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and strategic training. To ascend to the pinnacle of success in the ring, it’s essential to incorporate powerful workout routines that not only enhance your physical conditioning but also sharpen your skills as a

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Eating Right for the Ring: A Guide to Boxing Nutrition 

Boxing isn’t just about throwing punches—it’s about what you put in your body, too. Good nutrition isn’t just for health nuts; it’s key to giving your best performance in the ring. Whether you’re new to boxing or a seasoned fighter, knowing what to munch on before and after training can

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Common Boxing Injuries and How to Avoid Them 

Boxing is an intense and exhilarating sport that tests your limits and builds strength, agility, and resilience. However, like any physically demanding activity, it comes with its share of risks. Knowing about common injuries and how to prevent them can help you stay in the game and recover faster if

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Transform Your Fitness Routine: Essential Boxing Tips

Fighters and fitness fanatics! If you’re ready to take your training to the next level, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you are stepping into the ring for the first time or looking to refine your skills, our expert trainers and top-notch facilities are here to support your journey.

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